Our Team

  • CHRISTIAN LEWIS-PRATT - Founder | Head Coach

    Specialities: Mobility, Strength, Ground Movement

    Favourite thing about Move: The people, the energy and the willingness of the team to push the boundaries of commercial fitness and set a new standard.

    Christian is a former international rugby player turned movement coach and founder of The Move Method. Christian retired from rugby in 2016 with a broken body. His pursuit of pain-free living whilst maintaining athletic capacity led to the development of Move. Since retiring, Christian has successfully run profitable gym studios in both Fulham and Battersea, and become well known for his specific coaching methodology.

  • CHARLES OXLEY - Co Founder | Head of Immersions

    Specialities: Breathwork, Stress Resilience, Heat & Ice

    Favourite thing about Move: Quality, Community, and where else can you train > sauna > ice, like this!

    Bio: Having worked with leading coaches and scientists, alongside his own personal training business, Charles has developed a deep understanding of human performance and its optimisation from a multitude of angles. Now, with chronic stress on the rise, Charles’ main passion is the future of recovery.

  • DOROTHY BROOKE - Head of Movement

    Specialities: Mobility, Ground Movement, Kettlebells, Pre:Post Natal

    Favourite thing about Move: The community, the Method and the members

    Dotts’ grew up as a dancer before taking her love of movement into the fitness industry 8 years ago. Starting out as a reformer Pilates instructor, Dotts continued to discover different modalities of coaching which she now likes to blend together to create the most efficient programmes in classes and with clients. “I love getting nerdy about new drills and am always learning”.


    Specialities: Breathwork, Cold Water Immersion, Playlist Curation

    Favourite thing about Move: The community - there is nowhere better when it comes to an inclusive, supportive and high performing vibe.

    Jamie is a breathwork specialist and founder of The Breath Space. Jamie has worked alongside top entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes and many more, to share the life-changing potential of full-spectrum breathwork and altered states of consciousness.

  • KAAN GENC - Coach

    Specialities: Handstands, Core conditioning, Martial Art/Self Defence

    Favourite thing about Move: The range classes (that kill me) and the ice!

    Kaan has been a callisthenics coach for 7 years, a Karate practitioner for 7 years (2nd Dan black belt) and has 3 years of boxing experience. He specialises in gymnastic strength training, bodyweight movement and injury prevention (prehab).

  • ROSE WILD - Coach

    Specialities: Creating space + vibe for self empowerment, Movement, Dance

    Favourite thing about Move: The incredible community and the team of coaches leading the way.

    Originally from Blackpool, Rose has taken her love for dancing as a 2 year old, all over the world, dancing with artists and on TV. She later found yoga as a way to oppose the stress that dance left in my body, and to find calm in the chaos.

  • HOLLY LEWIS - Coach

    Specialities: Kettlebells, Strength, Conditioning

    Favourite thing about Move: The community, the fact you’re always being humbled by those around you and that there’s always something new to learn.

    Holly found a love for strength training and conditioning when playing high level rugby for 4 years. Holly swapped boots for cleats and trained up to be a spin instructor while getting a degree in philosophy, which she continues to do alongside her coaching and development at Move.

  • Oli Plummer - Coach

    Specialities: Yoga, Breathwork

    Favourite thing about move: The community + the ICE!

    After being diagnosed with Cancer in 2017, Oli recognised just how powerful a holistic lifestyle could be, and made health and wellness his primary focus.

    Having been advised that Yoga could help combat some of the negative effects of his treatment, he threw himself into his practice! Now in full remission, he has continued with Yoga and grown to love the elements that enhance mobility and movement.